The Strange Thing About The Johnsons Summary
Background Information
The Strange Thing About The Johnsons is a 2011 American short film written and directed by Ari Aster. It tells the story of a suburban family whose dark secrets are gradually revealed as the film progresses.Plot Summary
The Johnsons are a seemingly normal suburban family composed of father, mother, and their son and daughter. However, the family’s dark secrets are gradually revealed throughout the film. It is revealed that the father and son, Andrew and Billy, have an inappropriate sexual relationship. Andrew is also revealed to be a pedophile and has been sexually abusing Billy for years. The mother, Angela, is aware of the relationship but has chosen to stay silent about it out of fear.Themes
The Strange Thing About The Johnsons explores themes of family dysfunction, child abuse, and the power of silence. It examines the effects of trauma and how it can shape the way a family functions. The film also looks at the ways in which secrets can be kept hidden for years and the consequences of those secrets when they are finally revealed.The Cast
The Strange Thing About The Johnsons stars Bill Sage as Andrew Johnson, Amanda Seyfried as Angela Johnson, and Brandon Sexton III as Billy Johnson.Reception
The Strange Thing About The Johnsons was well-received by critics and viewers alike. It won several awards, including the Grand Jury Prize at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival.Related Video:
Questions and Answers:
1. the strange thing about the komodo dragons is that they have...
yes the hape soyara thing about
Komodo likes to climb trees
Komodo aggressive tomb robber
komodo dragons are hard of hearing
Komodo has a detestable defense mechanism
2. the strange thing about the komodo dragons is that they have
detestable defense mechanism
mempunyai air ludah yang sangat beracun dan mematikan
3. make a short summary about the story
Summary: So every person has their secret story that could suprise anybody
Semoga membantu.
The Secret Surprise
In a lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. But today Bonnie looked sad because her father lost his job, they may have to move. Ruth felt very sad to heard Bonnie's news. She decided to help Bonnie, she and her friends do all things for money. Fortunately, they made three hundred dollars. Ruth's mom used that money to buy all things that a person might need. Ruth, her mom, and some children held a surprise to make Bonnie happy. Ruth also felt happy because she had helped her friend.
4. what is the wonder thing about yourself
artinya : apa keajaiban dari dirimu sendiri
tandai sbg jwbn terbaik ya
5. what do you thing about the filem
Artinya: Apa pendapat anda tentang film ?
6. what is the wonder thing about yourself
apa hal yang kamu kagumi tentang dirimu sendiri
7. What's up? our next material is label i've add a video on the appendix, please make a summary about it..the summary consist of the meaning,purpose,structure, kinds and the other information about labels. you have to create the example of label on your summary bantu yak yg bisa gw kasih 30 poin
materi kita selanjutnya adalah label
Saya telah menambahkan video di lampiran, silakan buat ringkasan tentang itu..ringkasan terdiri dari arti, tujuan, struktur, jenis dan informasi lain tentang label.Kamj harus membuat contoh label pada ringkasanmu!
(ya mana videonya)
8. what the text about?why does it strange?bantu jawab ka.
maap yo gw gk ngertiii
9. make a summary about the expression of suggestion
what do you mean about suggestion i don't understand
10. Make a summary about The Fellowship of the rings with past tense
diterjemahkan nih????
11. Arti mention the expressions of asking about the desciption of thing
sebutkan ekspresi(kata2/ungkapan) yg digunakan untuk menanyakan deskripsi sesuatu (benda)
12. 2. the ......... (good) thing about you is. .......
Jawaban: the good thing about you is.
13. what is the usefull thing about microsoft sway?
Sway is a new application from Microsoft Office that makes it easy for you to create and share interactive reports, personal stories, presentations, and more.
maaf kalo salah
Kegunaannya: Memudahkan anda membuat dan berbagi laporan,kisah pribadi dan presentasi yang interaktif
Terjemah: Apa gunanya Microsoft sway?
14. Tim:what do you thing about the film? Ami:..... The ending too obvious.
Very good the ending too obviousAmi: The film is okay, but the ending is too obvious.
15. What is the most interesting thing about special days?
The most interesting thing is, being able to celebrate special days with people that you love, uhm maybe you can communicate well with each other, and also you can play each other with someone you love or with your friends and family. And its gonna be a special day for you
sekian, saya sgt aj dr saya, maaf ya klo salah, terimakasih
16. what the text about?why does it strange?bantu jawab ka
17. what the text about?why does it strange?
1. Balut (Philippines)
2. because They are cooked when the fetus is anywhere from 17 days to 21 days on your reference, although when the egg is older the fetus begin to have a beak, claws, bones and feather.
Jangan lupa follow aku
18. Make a short summary about conditional sentence type I. your summary should cover the pattern, the function and the meaning.
Conditional Sentences type 1 adalah kalimat pengandaian. Kalimat pengandaian ini berdasarkan fakta yang ada dan digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi yang mungkin terjadi atau tidak mungkin terjadi.
Pada umumnya kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentences) terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu "main clause" dan "if clause." Jadi, pada kalimat conditional sentences type 1 ini, kondisi pada "main clause" akan terjadi jika syarat -syarat pada "if clause" terpenuhi.
Secara penulisan tidak masalah apabila anda menuliskan "main clause" terlebih dahulu atau "if clause" terlebih dahulu.
Rumus untuk Conditional Sentences Type 1 :
If + Subject + Verb (present), S + Will + Verb 1
Subject + Will + Verb 1, if +Subject
Contoh kalimat conditional type 1 beserta artinya :
If I have free time, I will go to visit you. (Jika aku ada waktu luang, aku akan mengunjungimu)If you finish your homework, you can go home. (Jika kamu selesai mengerjakan PR, kamu boleh pulang)You can go home, if the bell rings (Kamu boleh pulang jika bel berbunyi)Mother will pick me up, if she finish work. (Ibu akan menjemput saya jika dia selesai bekerja).If you study hard, you will pass the exam. (Jika kamu belajar sungguh-sungguh kamu akan lulus ujian.If you exercise regularly, you will stay fit. (JIka kamu berolahraga secara teratur, maka kamu akan tetap bugar)If you wake up late, you will be late for school. (Jika kamu terlambat bangun, maka kamu akan terlambat ke sekolahDari contoh percakapan diatas yang memenuhi conditional sentence type 1 adalah kalimat yang digaris-bawahi yaitu :
If there's news about natural disaster in a place, people will quickly know what happening there through satellite, radio and TV, as well as the internet and send their donations to the affected place. (Jika ada berita mengenai bencana alam di tempat, orang akan cepet mendengar berita tentang apa yang terjadi melalui satelit, radio, TV dan juga internet, mereka akan mengirimkan donasi ke tempat yang terkena bencana).
Selamat belajar! Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai conditional sentences type 1 silakan kunjungi link berikut :
Detail tambahan :
Kelas : XI
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Conditional Sentences
Kata Kunci : conditional sentences, if clause, kalimat pengandaian
Kode : 11.5 .1
19. find any references about recount text and make a summary about it. write the summary in your book and submit it here
Soal :Find any references about recount text and make a summary about it. Write the summary in your book and submit it here.Temukan referensi-referensi tentang recount text dan buat rangkuman tentang itu. Tulis rangkuman di bukumu dan kumpulkan di sini.Jawaban :
Recount Text
Definition of recount text :Recount text is a text that telling about events in the past.
Recount text has 3 generic structures,they are :Orientation : Contains introduction of the participants,time,and place of event.Events : Contains description and explanation about the event in the past.Reorientation : Contains writer's comment or impression about the event. It's the ending of the story.Characteristics of the language of recount text :Characteristics of the language of recount text :Using past tenseThere are 3 kinds of past tense,they are :
A. Simple past tense
B. Past continuous tense
C. Pastperfect tense
2. Using action verbs (walked,went,bought,slept,ect)
3. Using conjunction (then,but,and,because,ect)
4. Usingadverboftimeandplace(yesterday,now,soon,market,hospital)
Hope it can helps,keep spirit!
Translate :Recount text
Definisirecounttext:Recount text adalah teks yang memberitahukan tentang kejadian-kejadian di masa lalu/di masa lampau.
Recount text memiliki 3 struktur utama,yaitu :Orientasi:Berisi pengenalan tokoh,waktu,dan tempat kejadian.Rangkaian peristiwa : Berisi deskripsi dan penjelasan mengenai kejadian di masa lalu.Reorientasi/penutup/kesimpulan : Berisi komentar atau kesan penulis tentang kejadian itu. Itu adalah akhir dari cerita.Ciri-ciri kebahasaan recount text :Menggunakan masa lampauAda 3 jenis masa lampau,yaitu :
A. Masa lampau sederhana
B. Masa lampau berkelanjutan/bersambung
C. Masa lampau sempurna
2. Menggunakan kata kerja aksi (telah berjalan,telah pergi, telah membeli,telah tidur,dll)
3. Menggunakan konjungsi/kata hubung (kemudian,tetapi,dan,karena,dll)
4. Menggunakan keterangan waktu dan tempat (kemarin,sekarang,segera,pasar,rumah sakit)
Semoga membantu,semangat!
20. what the text about?why does it strange?