Identify The Relationship Between The Following Compounds

Identify The Relationship Between The Following Compounds

H2: Compounds are substances made up of two or more elements that are chemically bonded together. H3: The relationship between two or more compounds can be either physical or chemical. H4: Physical relationships occur when compounds interact without any chemical changes occurring. For example, when two compounds are mixed together, the molecules remain separate and do not form new bonds. H5: Chemical relationships occur when compounds interact and form new bonds. For example, when two compounds react, the atoms in the compounds rearrange and form new bonds, resulting in a new compound.

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Questions and Answers:

1. The following dialog is for question 16-18 what is the relationship between the speaker


mana dialognya kak....

Maaf Dialognya mana ya?

2. The relationship between the speakers is

???Peratanyaan nya kurang jelas.

3. What ia the relationship between the speakers


apa hubungan antar penutur


Apa hubungan antar penutur


maaf kalau salah.

semoga bermanfaat.

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

4. What is the relationship between the speakers

What do you mean broo

5. what is the relationship between the speaker


Apa hubungan antara pembicara


semoga bener ya diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia kalau salah maaf ya

6. What is the relationship between the speakers

hubungan antara pembicara

7. what is the relationship between the speakers

Apakah hubungan antara pembicara-pembicara itu?hubungan antara pembicara (terjemah bhs.indonesia)
maaf kalau salah
semoga membantu:')

8. what is the relationship between the speakers

apa hubungan antara pembicara

9. what is the relationship between the characters?​


The relationship between the character and the character that is able and has a character that is in him, can do it well, understand in its entirety

10. what is the relationship between the speakers

what is the relationship between the speakers
= apa hubungan antara para pembicara

semoga membantu

11. What are the relationship between the speakers


stasiun TV swasta


maaf kalau salah

12. what is the relationship between the speakers

speaking in english leanuege

13. What is the relationship between the speakers?

2 people or many people

14. What are the relationship between the speaker

Because we talk nice and polite

Let me go.

15. what is the relationship between the speakers?

hubungan antara pembicara

16. what is the relationship between the spekers ?​

the relationship between PEN PALS

17. what is the relationship between the speakers​

are strangers


The relationships between the speakers are strangers

18. What is the relationship between the character?​


What is the relationship between the character?

(Apa hubungan antara karakter?)

19. What is the relationship between the speakers?


Maaf jikalau salah

20. what is the relationship between the speakers​


The relationships between the speakers are strangers



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