Star of the County Down by Orthodox Celts Guitar Chords

p If you are looking for Star of the County Down guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Star of the County Down by Orthodox Celts using guitar or guitar. This song by Orthodox Celts can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Star of the County Down guitar chords has rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Star of the County Down by Orthodox Celts Guitar Chords/h3 Based in christian512 tablature. Upgraded by LucasBlat.brbrOrthodox CeltsbrStar Of The County DownbrbrNear to [Em]Banbridge town, in the [G]County [D]Down, one [G]morning [Em]in Ju[D]lybrDown a [Em]boreen green came a [G]sweet colle[D]en and she [G]smiled as she [C]passed [D]me [Em]bybrShe [G]looked so neat from her [Am]two white feet to the [G]sheen of her [Em]nut-brown [D]hairbrSure the [Em]coaxing elf, I'd to [G]shake mys[D]elf, to make [Em]sure I was [C]stan[D]ding [Em]therebrbrCHORUS:brFrom [G]Bantry Bay up to [Am]Derry Quay and from [G]Galway to [Em]Dublin [D]townbrNo m[Em]aid I've seen like the [G]sweet colle[D]en that I [Em]met in [C]Coun[D]ty [Em]DownbrbrAs she o[Em]nward sped, sure I scra[G]tched m[D]y head, An[G]d I look[Em]ed wi[D]th a feelin' are,brAnd I s[Em]ay's, say's I, to a [G]passer by, [D]Who's the [G]maid with the [C]nut bro[D]wn [Em]hair?brHe s[G]myiled at me and he say'[Am]s, say's he, That's t[G]he gem of the[Em] Ireland's[D] crown,brYoung Ros[Em]ie McCann from the b[G]anks of t[D]he Bann, She'[Em]s the star [C]of t[D]he Co[Em]unty Down.brbrCHORUS:brFrom [G]Bantry Bay up to [Am]Derry Quay and from [G]Galway to [Em]Dublin [D]townbrNo m[Em]aid I've seen like the [G]sweet colle[D]en that I [Em]met in [C]Coun[D]ty [Em]DownbrbrAt the h[Em]arvest fair she'll be s[G]urely t[D]here So I'[G]ll dress[Em] in m[D]y Sunday clothes,brWith my[Em] shoes shine bright,[G] and my hat[D] cocked rig[G]ht, For the sm[C]ile of [D]a n[Em]ut brown rose.brNo p[G]ipe I'll smoke, no horse[Am] I'll yoke, Till my pl[G]ough turns ru[Em]st coloure[D]d brown.brTill a sm[Em]yling bride, by my o[G]wn firesi[D]de Sits the s[Em]tar of the [C]Coun[D]ty Do[Em]wn.brbrCHORUS 3x:brFrom [G]Bantry Bay up to [Am]Derry Quay and from [G]Galway to [Em]Dublin [D]townbrNo m[Em]aid I've seen like the [G]sweet colle[D]en that I [Em]met in [C]Coun[D]ty [Em]Down p If you want to learn Orthodox Celts Star of the County Down guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Star of the County Down. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p

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